Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Winging the Western Treatment Plant (WTP)

Australian Pelican over the moon rise

An area that most people would rather not think about is that place where the sewerage ends up! This is not the case for well over 250 different types of birds however as for them it provides rich feeding grounds. If you love birds and are an adventurous sort then you may want to consider a very reasonable bird watching permit fee from Melbourne Water, which will allow you to drive on designated routes.

Australian Pelican

WTP is protected under RAMSAR (Convention for wetland habitat protection – signed in Ramsar, Iran in 1971)

'Wader Cloud'

Many northern hemisphere waders can be seen here in summer. The site also provides over wintering habitat for birds from the south as well as the resident species. I will cover some of these in the posts that follow.

White-breasted Sea Eagle

Bird Hide at Little River Mouth

There is a bird hide and many spectacular views with Port Phillip to the South and the You Yangs Regional Park to the North.

Tracks at low tide

The only short fall (for some) is the lack of ablution facilities. I guess one has to put things in perspective!

Australian Pelican at sunset

Saturday, 14 March 2015


This is Nanki the serval , one of my best friends at the zoo!

I've had the privilege of raising her from a three month old kitten. She is sharp witted, has a great personality and you can meet her at the Werribee Open Range Zoo.